LaQueshia Jeffries LaQueshia Jeffries

Self-Publish Your Book Holiday Sale

Self-publishing a book can help amplify your brand.

Happy deep brown skinned Black woman in stripped sweater blows a kiss toward the camera.

From now until Christmas (December 25, 2022) Sherrod & Muse Books is having a Self-Publishing Sale for aspiring writers and authors.

The Sherrod & Muse Books Independent Publishing Imprint was created to help professional women amplify their brand with a self-published book. So with that in mind, we’re offering a huge gift to YOU.

For a limited time, our book publishing package (for books 200 pages or less) will be priced at $997. This includes co-writing sessions, formatting, editing, and book cover design support.

Contact us today to see how Sherrod & Muse Books can help you become a self-published author in 90 days or less.

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LaQueshia Jeffries LaQueshia Jeffries

Creating a Children’s Book on Canva

This is how you can self-publish a children’s book using Canva.

There are a number of ways to go about creating a children’s book that will bring joy to your readers. If you are an artist you can use your work to create simple and delightful illustrations to go with your stories. And choosing the type of book you will create is a great place to start.

Will your self-published children’s book be whimsical in nature? Educational? Realistic? Poetic? Look at the types of books you loved as a child or reading as an adult.

Now, if you aren’t artistically inclined you can also hire an illustrator to draw the images for your story. In all these circumstances the completed work can still be uploaded to Canva in order to be formatted for the Amazon KDP self-publishing platform.

I love to create the illustrations for my own children’s books (and clients) and have successfully used Canva to do so. Purchasing the Canva Pro subscription for access to 100’s of thousands of images is key for me. I really pinpoint the type of book I want to create and think about the kind of images that would help tell the story along with my text.

That brings me to another reason I love to use Canva to create my children’s books: text design. So, we all know that the images and scenery tell a story. But text font and placement help to facilitate story telling as well. I encourage you to create a document in Canva and simply play around with the elements and images to familiarize yourself with the platform.

Do you think you’ll give Canva a try when you’re ready to self-publish your children’s book?

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LaQueshia Jeffries LaQueshia Jeffries

How Can I Self-Publish My Book

“How can I self-publish my book?” That has to be the number one question people ask when they have an idea or experience they want to share.

The answer is: You can self-publish your book quite easily! Here is what you MUST KNOW.

There are 5 things you need to know in order to successfully self-publish your book. Most people (like myself) wait years to put their books into print. We wait for an agent, a publishing deal, or a sign from above that now is the time to finally make our books a reality.

But the truth of the matter is, it is very simple to write, format, and publish your book within 30 days. When I made the decision to finally self-publish “21 Mantras To Say To Yourself” it took me less than two weeks from decision to completion. This was after waiting years to take this step. What I learned in the process was that we mentally block things that would elevate our brands, bring us joy, and share necessary perspectives with the world. When in reality if we did these five things we could make our dreams of becoming authors a true reality.

I’m sharing my journey with you so that you don’t spend decades waiting for someone to grant you a “seat at the table”. Sis, you ARE the table!

  1. Write The Book

  2. Create A Amazon KDP Account

  3. Get a Book Editor

  4. Get a Cover Designed

  5. Promote Your Book Forever & Always

Write the Book. Chances are you’ve already written your book. Whether it’s in the first draft, in an outline form, or completely conceptual, you know where you want to go. Write your book and get it out of your head. And if you’ve written your book but you are fearful that it isn’t good enough, know that it likely is good enough and you can hand it over to an editor in step three.

Create an Amazon KDP Account. Amazon has made it easier than ever to publish your book affordably. Not only is a KDP account free, they also allow you to create an author page to update and share with fans, a thriving publishing community, and tons of FAQ and formatting guidelines. You DIY your book from start to finish if that is within your skill level. Or you can work with someone like me to have the process done for you. Either way, you can have a professional-looking book available for purchase globally in as little as 30 days if you commit to the process.

Get an Editor. Every book deserves another set of eyes before it goes into print and production. Editing software is great, but the human touch is even better. Print off your draft and review it with a pen, pencil, or highlighter. Then hire an editor to review your book and catch any grammatical errors. And be mindful that depending on your topic you may need a Cultural Sensitivity Reader. This book was given to you to share knowledge and light. Honor that, by taking the time to publish the best possible version of your book.

Get a Cover Designed. This is one of my favorite parts of the publishing process. I’ve created each of my book covers, as well as those of my client. However, if you do not enjoy this process hire someone to design your book cover. Not only will you take the pressure off your shoulder, but you will also support a Creative in their work. Once you’ve written your book, created a KDP account, had your work reviewed and corrected by an editor, and created a cover you are ready to publish!

Promote Your Book, Always. You are a self-published author. You have done what hundreds of thousands of people are too afraid to do. You’ve written a book and seen it through to completion. That is phenomenal and I am proud of you. Save these words because they will be so sweet when you hit publish on your book. Now you need to tell everyone you know that you have a book available for purchase. You can talk about it on social media, make videos, sell books on your website, gift books to libraries, create box boxes, sell at fairs, etc. The point is this book is yours forever and it’s such a great accomplishment.

Contact me and let me know how your self-publishing journey is progressing. I am rooting for you. Go Self-Publish that book!

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